Schubert Research Clinic
Research Nursing Core

Research Nursing Core

The Research Nursing Core provides investigators with skilled staff and state-of-the-art facilities to implement a clinical research study. Our research protocol nurses and research nurses are all trained for complex, detailed research observations and precise collection and storage of specimens.

Our Staff and Services

Once the IRB and the Schubert Research Clinic (SRC) Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) have approved an investigator’s protocol, a research nurse is assigned to facilitate study implementation.

This includes:

  • Serving as a liaison between the investigator’s study team and the SRC clinic staff, as well as all service providers (investigational pharmacy, research and clinical labs, radiology, and many others)
  • Preparing data collection flow sheets and study-specific physician orders, which describe in precise detail the steps to properly implement the study
  • Maintaining contact with the investigator and study coordinator throughout the study to ensure a smooth process for them and their study participants
  • Monitoring the research study until its completion

Research nurse support is also available for study participants located outside the SRC in other areas of the hospital, via the use of “scatter” beds (i.e. the Newborn Intensive Care Unit, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit and the psychiatric unit).


Use our Services

Research Nurses
To use the services of the Research Nursing Core, investigators must submit a protocol through ePas. For more information, please follow the instructions for SRC Services on the Protocol Submission page in the Schubert Research Clinic.

Contact Us

For questions, or to arrange a consultation, contact:

Lori Brunner, BSN, RN, CPN