Services & Specialties
Acute Care Nephrology

Using Early Detection to Identify Risks

The Center for Acute Care Nephrology (CACN), established in 2010, is an internationally recognized resource for children and adults specializing in identifying health conditions that put patients at risk for acute kidney injury. This ability to identify risks of acute kidney injury or kidney failure through early detection can make all the difference. Working closely with other divisions within Cincinnati Children's, the CACN works to monitor, detect and treat kidney injury before it causes irreparable damage.

Acute Kidney Injury Risk: There are many factors that can lead to acute kidney injury (AKI). These risks can include heart disease, major surgeries, chemotherapy, sepsis and nephrotoxic medication exposure. The CACN works collaboratively with many divisions at Cincinnati Children's to identify these AKI risks and to limit their exposure.

Early Detection: Through early detection of AKI in children and adults, the CACN is leading the way using breakthrough research to discover the best ways to diagnose and treat acute kidney problems before they lead to permanent damage. Research at Cincinnati Children's has already produced a rapid test that detects acute kidney injury within hours, allowing us to move forward with studies to prevent or lessen the damage to the kidney and its overall effects.

Changing the Outcome: Working with the Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, the Heart Institute and Critical Care Medicine, the CACN is the only center in the world that collaborates with all areas of critical care to help identify AKI and ultimately lead to better outcomes. This integrated approach to care enables physicians and researchers to closely monitor how children with kidney problems are responding to treatment, make rapid adjustments where needed and ultimately standardize care for the best possible results. The CACN coordinates multi-center and multinational research studies in pediatric AKI through the Prospective Pediatric Acute Kidney Injury Research Group.