Perinatal Outreach Program
Services Provided

Services Provided

The Cincinnati Children’s Perinatal Outreach Program (CCPOP) provides the following services:

Communication Center

We support regional perinatal specialty groups by facilitating and providing communication among providers of perinatal care.


We sponsor perinatal outreach educational activities related to preconception, prenatal, intra-partum, postpartum, infants and social support.

NICU Physician Liaison

The NICU Physician Liaison provides follow-up communication with referral hospitals, pediatricians and obstetricians for each patient admitted to the Cincinnati Children’s NICU.

Perinatal Mortality & Morbidity Conferences

In collaboration with the Division of Neonatology faculty and staff and maternal fetal medicine specialists from the University of Cincinnati Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine and TriHealth’s Tri-State Maternal-Fetal Medicine Associates, we coordinate perinatal mortality and morbidity conferences at regional delivery hospitals.

Perinatal Nurse Directors, Managers & Educators Group

Regional perinatal nurse managers meet quarterly to network and to identify ways to change clinical practice that will improve outcomes for mothers and babies in our region.

Perinatal Outreach Simulation Program

The Perinatal Outreach Simulation Program is currently providing custom in-situ simulation-based neonatal resuscitation scenarios to Level I and II hospitals in the Cincinnati Children’s service area.

Quality Improvement

The Perinatal Institute Clinical Quality Improvement Manager works with our partner Level II and III hospitals on clinical quality improvement projects using evidence-based quality improvement tools and methodology. Our collaboration includes projects from individual facilities as well as larger regional morbidity reduction measures.

The Perinatal Outreach Quality Program utilizes the Vermont Oxford Network, Regional Perinatal Database, neonatal hospital readmission data, <32/35 week delivery data, and other data sources to assess and address infant mortality and morbidity.