Services & Specialties
Newborn Intensive Care Follow-up Clinic

Ongoing Care for Complex Medical Issues

Once your newborn is able to go home, you want to make sure she continues to be cared for by people who are knowledgeable about and experienced with her health issues.

The Newborn Intensive Care Follow-up Clinic at Cincinnati Children’s provides comprehensive and ongoing services to babies with complex medical issues after they are discharged from intensive care nurseries. Even if your child has been cared for in another facility’s intensive care unit, she can be brought to Cincinnati Children’s to continue follow-up care.

Make an Appointment

High-Risk Infant Follow-Up Program at Cincinnati Children's.
Call 513-636-3882 to schedule an appointment with the Newborn Intensive Care Follow-up Clinic. Contact Us

Perinatal Institute

High-Risk Infant Follow-Up Program at Cincinnati Children's.
The Newborn Intensive Care Follow-up Clinic is part of the Perinatal Institute, a national leader in improving the health of all newborns. Perinatal Institute


High-Risk Infant Follow-Up Program at Cincinnati Children's.
Our Newborn Intensive Care Unit (NICU) is the best place for your child should you need special care. Learn More