Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Inpatient Psychiatry

Inpatient Psychiatry

The Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at Cincinnati Children’s acute crisis units focus on stabilizing patients, most of whom stay an average of three to five days.

In total, our hospital has 92 inpatient beds available to serve children and adolescents who are 17 years old and younger, who are experiencing a mental health crisis. To best meet the different needs and ages of the children we care for, we have units that focus on:

  • Adolescents (12-17) with a mental / behavioral disorder
  • Youth (8-17) with both a mental / behavioral diagnosis and developmental disability
  • Young children (2-8) who have a mental / behavioral health diagnosis
  • Youth with chronic medical conditions in addition to mental health diagnosis

Youth admitted for inpatient treatment could participate in various therapeutic and medical treatment programs depending on his / her personal needs. Your child's inpatient stay could include: