Music Therapy

Our music therapists use music to help your child meet treatment goals and cope with stress, fear and anger.

Music therapy is based on research, and all music therapists at Cincinnati Children’s are board certified through the Certification Board for Music Therapists.

How can my child benefit from music therapy?

During music therapy sessions, your child may play instruments, write songs, sing or move to music. These music experiences benefit your child by providing:

  • Stress reduction
  • Mood elevation
  • Self-expression
  • Social interaction
  • Opportunities to practice impulse control and focus
  • Feelings of pride and self-worth

The music therapist structures sessions so that no previous musical skills are necessary for your child to benefit from music therapy.

How is music therapy used in Psychiatry?

Children on inpatient units have music therapy group sessions one to two times each week.

The music therapist may also see your child for an individual session if she appears to benefit more from one-on-one interaction.

Read more information on music therapy and mental health.