Speech-Language Pathology
About Us

About Us

Top Professionals Use Cutting-Edge Technology

The Division of Speech-Language Pathology at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center is the largest pediatric speech-language pathology program in the nation. We are dedicated to providing high-quality services in everything we do, from initial scheduling to successful discharge of patients from our services.

We begin with a comprehensive evaluation. Based on the evaluation results, an individualized treatment plan is developed for the child, with input from the family. In each case, the speech-language pathologist involves the family in the treatment process to ensure not only the best treatment outcomes, but also a high level of family satisfaction with the process. Our efforts are also directed toward making the therapy a positive and enjoyable experience for the child. 

About Our Staff

  • We have a staff of experts, not generalists. All staff members evaluate and treat patients only in their area of specialty.
  • We use the latest procedures and evidence-based practices as determined by our specialty teams.
  • We draw the best qualified clinicians from all over the country.
  • We have the most current equipment and technology.
  • We encourage parents and guardians to observe each treatment session through video monitoring. There is also the option to record the sessions.

Our Experts Are Leaders

Our vision is to be the best pediatric speech-language pathology program in the world. As such, other speech-language pathology programs are interested in benchmarking against us. We are recognized as a leader in our field because:

  • We provide the highest level of quality care, professionalism and service to all of our customers, resulting in a high level of measurable customer satisfaction.
  • We provide education, training, and mentoring so that and our staff members can become recognized leaders in the field in all specialty areas.
  • We are committed to collaborating with others and building interdisciplinary relationships for the benefit of our patients.
  • Our staff members are diverse in their backgrounds, knowledge and skills so that we can meet the diverse cultural needs of our patients.
  • Our staff members are highly competent and skilled in the areas in which they work through completion of specialty competencies and participation on specialty teams.
  • The work atmosphere is supportive and friendly, allowing staff members to be satisfied, stimulated and motivated in their careers.
  • We are involved in the education of patients and families, physicians, other professionals, and students.
  • We are accessible by providing services at multiple locations.
  • We contribute to the knowledge base of speech-language pathology through teaching, research, and exploration of new clinical areas.
  • We offer educational and clinical products for the benefit of speech-language pathologists and their patients around the world.

Adam's Story

Adam suffered a stroke while running at home. He's received treatment at the Outpatient Neurorehabilitation Therapy Center at Cincinnati Children's. His recovery has amazed and inspired many people.

For Patients & Families

Learn more about the benefits of early intervention, the services that we provide, how to prepare for your visit, insurance tips, and more. Learn More