Gymnastics Analysis

Onsite Analysis

What specific services does the clinical program offer?

The gymnastics analysis offers a variety of services benefiting injured young gymnasts. These include:

  • Injury screens done at our clinics.
  • Gymnast specific evaluations utilizing a sport specific assessment tool designed to improve technique with foundational gymnastics skills.
  • Education on injury prevention and sports enhancing techniques.
  • Return to sport guidance using evidence-based return to gymnastics protocol.

Who would benefit from the program?

  • Injured gymnasts
  • Coaches and parents

What makes the team experts?

The gymnastics program is led by physical therapists with extensive personal background and years of experience in treating adolescent and high school gymnasts. The gymnastics team has developed presentations that have been showcased in both local and national conferences on a variety of gymnastic specific injuries, return to sport guidelines, and sport specialization; and continue to lead in this realm through attendance of continuing education courses and outreach programs in the local community.

At what locations do you offer this service?

Who should I contact for more information?

Outreach Program

What specific services does the clinical program offer?

The gymnastic clinic supports local community gymnastics organizations through its outreach program. This program includes:

  • In-house injury screens.
  • In-house injury prevention training and performance enhancement training sessions.
  • In-house educational seminars focused on injury prevention for the athlete, coach, and parent.

We are currently partnered with Gymnastics Central, and are seeking additional opportunities to serve our local gymnastics community.

Who should I contact for more information?