Palliative Care
StarShine Hospice | Bereavement Care

Bereavement Care

There is no one way to deal with the loss of a child; everyone experiences it in his or her own way. But no one should go through it alone. Our Bereavement Program is designed to help you cope with your child’s death – and celebrate your child’s life – in ways that are most meaningful to you.

Experienced, Thoughtful Staff

All StarShine staff and volunteers have extensive training and experience in the care of dying children and in grief support following the death of a child.

Family-Centered Care

During the time before your child dies, we help you make decisions about end of life so that when the time comes, your child’s death is as meaningful and comforting as possible. Our staff will attend the funeral or visitation if you wish; our chaplain is also available to conduct the service.

Your Child’s Circle

StarShine staff is available to visit your child’s classmates or to talk with other groups your child is involved with, to help prepare them for the death. We can also talk with your child’s classmates and friends following the death.

Continued Support

We remain available to you and your family for a minimum of two years after your child dies. We can visit you at home. We will call periodically to talk about any concerns related to the loss of your child. If you need help beyond what we can provide, we know of many community resources that are available.

Contact Us

StarShine staff can help with any questions you have about any of our programs:

Phone: 513-636-4663


Contact Us