Services & Specialties
Pediatric Stone Center

Comprehensive, Interdisciplinary Care for Pediatric Stone Conditions

The Stone Center at Cincinnati Children’s uses a collaborative approach to the care of patients and families with conditions related to stones in the urinary tract.

Our multidisciplinary team includes doctors, nurses, dietitians, genetic counselors and social workers from seven specialties at Cincinnati Children’s:  Emergency Medicine, Human Genetics, Interventional Radiology, Laboratory Medicine, Nephrology, Radiology and Urology.

We are committed to working closely with patients and families to provide excellent clinical care.  We serve families locally, nationally and internationally and provide care to children, adolescents and young adults.  We provide:

  • Comprehensive, interdisciplinary care and treatment coordination Learn about the types of radiologic testing that may be ordered if a urinary tract stone is suspected.
  • Diagnosis and assessment 
  • Laboratory testing and radiologic imaging
  • Medical management and genetic evaluation
  • Surgical and interventional procedures
  • Dietary support and social services
  • Education of patients and families and ongoing care management

Conditions Treated

We treat many kinds of bladder, kidney and ureteral stone conditions. Learn more

Treatment Options

Treatment options focus on medical management and surgical management of stone conditions. Learn more

Contact Us

Learn more about the Stone Center or make an appointment or referral. Contact us