2016 Research Annual Report


Fig A: This illustration depicts the mechanism underlying growth failure due to lack of PAPP-A2. An increased formation of ternary complexes, due to decreased proteolysis subsequent to the lack of PAPP-A2 activity, results in reduced concentrations of fIGF-I in serum and most likely at specific target tissues. This also decreases the negative feedback effect of IGF-I on growth hormone (GH) production, contributing to increased circulating concentrations of GH. Increased serum GH concentrations cause increased IGF-I, IGFBP-3, and ALS concentrations. The increased levels of IGFBP-3 and ALS in turn con-tribute to further ternary complex formation and an increase in total IGF-I and IGF-II concentrations.

Featured Research

Novel Genetic Mutation Linked to Rare Form of Short Stature

A team of international researchers, led by Andrew Dauber, MD, MMSc, Director of the Cincinnati Center for Growth Disorders, has identified a new genetic mutation linked to a rare form of short stature in children.

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Division Summary

Research and Training Details
Faculty 17
Joint Appointment Faculty 3
Research Fellows and Post Docs 3
Total Annual Grant Award Dollars $1,484,496
Total Annual Industry Award Dollars $169,754
Total Publications 56
Clinical Activities and Training
Clinical Fellows 9
Inpatient Encounters 4,421
Outpatient Encounters 15,658