2016 Research Annual Report
Infectious Diseases

Fig A:  In traditional Mendelian genetics (top image), pregnancies among female offspring are equally susceptible to fetal wastage or other complications. This stems from disruptions in fetal tolerance regardless of paternal major histocompatibility complex haplotype specificity.  Comparatively, persistent postnatal maintenance of tolerogenic microchimeric maternal cells in female offspring promotes cross-generational reproductive fitness (bottom image). It does this by selectively protecting against fetal wastage during next-generation pregnancies sired by males with shared overlapping non-inherited maternal antigens specificity.

Infectious Diseases

Featured Research

Microchimeric Maternal Cells Promote Reproductive Fitness Across Generations

The long-standing scientific mystery of how the developing fetus avoids rejection by their mother’s immune cells remains unresolved. However, new clues are emerging.

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Division Summary

Research and Training Details
Faculty 16
Joint Appointment Faculty 7
Research Fellows and Post Docs 2
Research Graduate Students 4
Total Annual Grant Award Dollars $10,375,273
Total Annual Industry Award Dollars $1,826,951
Total Publications 63
Clinical Activities and Training
Clinical Fellows 6
Inpatient Encounters 4,579
Outpatient Encounters 1,921