Fig A: This graph shows minimal difference between overall survival rates for people with osteosarcoma when treated with MAP chemotherapy (methotrexate, doxorubin and cisplatin) versus receiving MAP plus interferon therapy.


Featured Research

Interferon Shows No Benefit in EURAMOS-1 Trial

Adding pegylated interferon to post-surgery maintenance therapy for people with osteosarcoma showed no clear benefit beyond existing standard chemotherapy, according to recent findings from the ongoing EURAMOS-1 clinical trial.

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Division Summary

Research and Training Details
Faculty 28
Joint Appointment Faculty 3
Research Fellows and Post Docs 4
Research Graduate Students 7
Total Annual Grant Award Dollars $2,566,350
Total Annual Industry Award Dollars $2,587,017
Total Publications 58
Clinical Activities and Training
Staff Physicians 8
Clinical Fellows 3
Inpatient Encounters 11,508
Outpatient Encounters 17,393