Annual Grant Award Dollars

Investigator Title Sponsor ID Dates Amount
Eniolami Dosunmu, MD Save Our Sight Ohio Amblyope Registry Ohio Department of Health (The Research Instit at Nationwide Hosp) 02530011AR0109 07/01/2008 - 06/30/2018 $5,000
Richard Lang, PhD Regulation of Vascular Development in the Eye by an Opsin 5-dependent Clock National Institutes of Health R01 EY027077 09/01/2016 - 08/31/2021 $494,153
Richard Lang, PhD Regulation of Eye Development by an Opsin 5-dopamine Pathway National Institutes of Health (Emory University) RO1 EY027711 04/01/2017 - 03/31/2021 $248,684
Fumika Namekawa Molecular and Neural Mechanisms of Temperature Preference Rhythm in Drosophila National Institutes of Health R01 GM107582 09/01/2016 - 08/31/2018 $290,700
Total Annual Grant Award Dollars $1,038,537