Pediatric Circadian Disorders Clinic

Last fall was the first ever Pediatric Circadian Disorders Clinic. This collaborative, multi disciplinary clinic is participating in research to develop standardized treatments for children with circadian disorders.

Faculty Recognition 

The American Academy of Otolaryngology in the fall of 2020 awarded the Distinguished Service Award to John Greinwald Jr., MD, FAAP.

The Triologic Society appointed J. Paul Willging, MD, as secretary of the middle section. He was program chairman for the Combined Section Meeting of the Triological Society.

Philip Knollman, MD, received a top four poster award at the Down syndrome Medical Interest Group meeting for a case series pertaining to the management of hearing loss in children and young adults with Down syndrome.

The Complex Airway Unit at Cincinnati Children's Hospital appointed Michael DeMarcantonio, MD, as medical director.