Annual Grant Award Dollars

Investigator Title Sponsor ID Dates Amount
Brad Gerald Kurowski, MD Genetic and environmental influences on recovery of severe pediatric brain injury. Ntl Inst of Neuro Disorders & Stroke National Institues of Health (NIH) R01NS096053 5/1/2020-4/30/2022 $559,661
Nathan K. Evanson, MD, PhD Mechanistic studies into the cognitive rescue effect of pioglitazone in chronic TBI The Local Initiative for Excellence Fdtn LIFE - Evanson, Nath 1/1/2021-12/31/2021 $50,000
Shari L Wade, PhD Pediatric Injury, Modules to Manage Medical Stress University of Utah (Ntl Inst of Child Health & Human Dev)National Institues of Health (NIH) 1046978 6/1/2020-5/31/2021 $244,478
Shari L Wade, PhD Enhancing Parenting Skills: Application of a Web­Based Three-Tiered Model University of Oregon (Administration for Community Living) 239530A 9/30/2019-9/29/2021 $145,156
Shari L Wade, PhD Widespread Implementation of a Patient-centered Online Therapy for Adolescent Traumatic Brain Injury Patient-Centered Outcome Research Inst. Wade-PCORI 12/1/2020-11/30/2021 $715,813
Total Annual Grant Award Dollars $1,715,108