Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Dynamic Display Communication Devices

Dynamic Display Devices

Speech generating devices can be divided into two categories: static display and dynamic display.

Dynamic display devices have touch screens that allow a child to access a large amount of vocabulary in one device. Dynamic display devices are typically required by those who need to convey a large number of messages, who are using spelling to convey their messages or who might need an alternative method of physically accessing the device.

Access Considerations

Children with motor impairments can access dynamic display devices in a variety of ways.

Any time a motor impairment is present, it is necessary to obtain an AAC evaluation by both a speech language pathologist and an occupational therapist to determine the best access method. Access methods may include use of a head-mouse, switch scanning or eye control.

When choosing dynamic display devices, it's important to consider access issues.

Language Considerations

Dynamic display devices offer a large selection of language systems. Vocabulary may be displayed in a variety of ways.

Messages can be composed using picture symbols, spelling or pre-stored words and phrases. The language can be organized by categories, visual scene displays or based on most frequently used words, referred to as core vocabulary.

When using dynamic display devices, it's important to consider language issues.