Services & Specialties
Brain Tumors

The Brain Tumor Center’s core team includes pediatric specialists from neuro-oncology, neurology, neurosurgery, radiation oncology, neuropsychology, endocrinology, physician medicine and rehabilitation and genetics. These providers come together in one clinic, making visits more convenient for families and enabling the highest level of collaboration and care coordination.

Expert, Supportive Care for Patients with Brain Tumors

The Cure Starts Now Foundation Brain Tumor Center at Cincinnati Children’s provides advanced, comprehensive care for brain tumors in children and young adults and spinal tumors. Some of our patients have a new diagnosis, while others come to Cincinnati Children’s seeking novel therapies for treatment-resistant or rare brain tumors. Our team treats all forms of pediatric brain and spinal tumors.

Sometimes experimental therapies offer the best hope for a cure. We offer access to clinical trials sponsored by national research organizations and pediatric brain tumor clinical trial collaboratives, as well as protocols that are available only at Cincinnati Children’s.

Why Choose Us

Experts in the Field

Our neuro-oncology specialists have extensive experience and expertise. Many hold leadership positions in national research groups such as the Children's Oncology Group and the Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium, and bring this timely expertise to the care of our patients.

Advanced Therapies for Treatment-Resistant Cancers

Cincinnati Children’s offers the full spectrum of neuro-oncology and advanced therapies for aggressive and treatment-resistant brain tumors. Our treatments and services include chemotherapy, proton beam and conventional radiation therapy, advanced surgical procedures, bone marrow transplantation, immunotherapies, anti-cancer drugs and other novel treatment options.

Access to New Treatments Through Innovative Research

Cincinnati Children’s is one of the largest centers in the United States for pediatric and young adult anti-cancer drug research. As a research hospital, Cincinnati Children’s often has access to new treatments that may not be available at other institutions. Our researchers offer cutting-edge science from basic research to an extensive list of clinical research studies in hopes of improving the prognosis and quality of life for patients with brain tumors.

Advanced Surgical Techniques

Cincinnati Children’s neurosurgeons use sophisticated imaging navigation techniques before and during surgery that use precise three-dimensional maps of the brain. This helps them reach the tumor safely and remove it with minimal damage to healthy brain tissue. Cincinnati Children’s was the first pediatric hospital in the world to offer this technology.

Cutting-Edge Radiation Therapy

We offer proton therapy, one of the most precise and advanced forms of radiation therapy available in the world today. This specialized technology destroys cancer cells while minimizing damage to surrounding healthy tissues and organs. The Proton Therapy Center at Cincinnati Children’s is one of only a few centers in the US owned by a children’s hospital. Cincinnati Children’s is the only proton center with a dedicated research gantry to support the development of safer radiation treatment.

Advanced Genetic Testing for Tumors

When a brain or spine tumor does not respond to treatment or returns after treatment, we offer extensive genetic profiling. This helps us identify which therapy to use next, based on the tumor’s genetic profile, and match patients with the best available anti-cancer drugs.

‘One-Stop’ Multidisciplinary Care

Caring for a child with a brain tumor often requires multiple teams of doctors. At Cincinnati Children’s, you won’t travel from doctor to doctor for your child’s cancer care. Our care team sees patients together in one location, making visits more convenient for families and enabling the highest level of collaboration and care coordination.

Second Opinions

Cincinnati Children’s provides second opinions for patients with high-risk or treatment-resistant brain tumors. Our team can provide clarity and insight to a high-risk or refractory brain tumor diagnosis. Second opinions help you understand all of the available treatment options and make a more informed decision about which therapy is best.

Brain Tumor Survivorship Program

Cancer and cancer treatment can create health problems later in life. Our Cancer Survivorship Center offers long-term follow up to detect and treat problems early. The team also provides brain and spine tumor survivors with the education and resources they need to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Family-Centered Care and Well-being Support Services

Your family is an important part of your child’s care team. We encourage your perspective and input, and take time to help you understand your child’s condition and treatment options.

The Cancer and Blood Disease Institute’s Patient and Family Wellness Center supports the psychosocial needs of our patients and families in order to enhance their quality of life while involved with treatment. Services include social work, occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy, psychology, nutrition, school intervention, therapeutic massage, music therapy, art therapy, child life and more—all integrated into your child’s care plan.

Young Adult Cancer Program

Young adults (ages 15-39), who have been diagnosed with a pediatric cancer, have unique needs because they respond differently to cancer therapy than young children and older adults. They also have different physical side effects and emotional needs. Our brain tumor team has the expertise to address these unique needs. The team is a part of our nationally recognized Young Adult Cancer Center, which focuses on treating and curing young adults diagnosed with a pediatric cancer.