Services & Specialties
Spina Bifida Center

The Spina Bifida Center at Cincinnati Children's provides comprehensive, family-centered care to patients living with spina bifida and other neural tube defects.

An image of Lily, a spina bifida patient.

Comprehensive Care for Spina Bifida

The Spina Bifida Center provides comprehensive care to children, adolescents, and adults living with spina bifida, including myelomeningocele, and other neural tube defects.

As part of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, we collaborate with specialists across Cincinnati Children's to bring well-coordinated, family-centered care to your child.

Why Choose Us

  • Multidisciplinary Team of Pediatric Experts: We work with experts from urology, neurosurgery, rehabilitation medicine and orthopaedics. We also have dedicated nurse coordinators, social workers, nutritionists and research coordinators.
  • Comprehensive Evaluations: Comprehensive evaluations include one-on-one appointments with multiple specialists. Appointments are coordinated all on one day to minimize travel to the hospital.
  • Care Coordination: Our commitment to well-coordinated care can result in fewer clinic visits and better outcomes.
  • Advanced Diagnostics: Cincinnati Children’s is one of only a few pediatric hospitals in the United States with the ability and expertise to provide personalized imaging and testing to meet the complex needs of our patients.
  • Breakthrough Research: Patients have access to research studies that are exploring more effective treatment options for children, adolescents and adults with neural tube defects. Our team is also advancing early treatment including fetal surgery through our partnership with the Fetal Care Center.
  • Online Second Opinions: Our nationally-recognized specialists provide online second opinions to help families better understand a diagnosis and make informed care decisions. The process is convenient, easy and secure. 

Contact Us

An image of two kids smiling at the hospital.

For more information or to request an appointment, contact the Spina Bifida Center.

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Clinical Trials / Research Studies

An image of a teen boy smiling.

Clinical trials / research studies help us understand disease and develop new ways to treat and prevent health problems.

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Bowel Management Program

An image of a mom, dad, and their newborn.

The Bowel Management Program is an outpatient program for children who are unable to anticipate or control their bowel activity.

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