Single Ventricle Interstage Clinic
NPCQI Collaborative

National Pediatric Cardiology Quality Improvement Collaborative (NPC-QIC)


The mission of the National Pediatric Cardiology Quality Improvement Collaborative (NPC-QIC) is to improve dramatically the outcomes of care for children with cardiovascular disease. Since 2008, NPC-QIC has focused on improving outcomes in infants with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS). As a proud member of the NPC-QIC, the Heart Institute is working with cardiac centers around the country to improve outcomes for infants with HLHS cared for at Cincinnati Children’s. In particular, our Single Ventricle team collaborates with over 50 centers to identify and share optimal practices to improve outcomes in this entire population.


The initial phase of the project was to improve outcomes in this group of HLHS infants in the “interstage” period between discharge from Stage 1 Norwood to admission for Stage 2 bidirectional Glenn. The work of the collaborative from 2008-2015 demonstrated improvement in “interstage” infant growth and impressively demonstrated a 43% reduction in “interstage” mortality.

In 2016, the next phase of the collaborative focuses on outcomes from birth to discharge following Stage 1 Norwood and from Stage 2 bidirectional Glenn to the infant’s first birthday. This phase involves close alignment with our cardiothoracic surgery and intensive care partners nationwide. The NPC-QIC will continue its efforts toward reducing mortality and improving growth while beginning to look at developmental outcomes and family outcomes in this population.

Heart Institute Leadership in NPC-QIC

In addition to our clinical participation, the Heart Institute has contributed important leadership to the National Pediatric Cardiology Quality Improvement Collaborative. Jeffrey Anderson, MD, MPH, MBA, is Chair of NPC-QIC and has served as Quality Improvement Advisor, Chair of the Research and Publication Committee. Sam Hanke, MD, MS, serves as the collaborative lead for Quality improvement and data management and has served as leader of the Readmission Workgroup.

Heart Institute Single Ventricle Team

Haleh Heydarian, MD
Medical Director, Heart Institute Single Ventricle Clinic
Medical Director, Heart Institute Neurodevelopmental and Educational Clinic

More Information

Learn more about the National Pediatric Cardiology Quality Improvement Collaborative. Or contact:

Heidi Peck, NPC QIC Project Manager
The Anderson Center for Health Systems Excellence
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center

More Information

Learn more about the National Pediatric Cardiology Quality Improvement Collaborative. Read more