About Cincinnati Children's
Outpatient Care

Outpatient Care

What Our Families Are Saying About Cincinnati Children's

Each week randomly selected families participate in a telephone survey about the care their children received while a patient at Cincinnati Children's. Read more about our methodology

Patient Experience (Care Provided at Cincinnati Children's Main Campus and Neighborhood Locations)

Jan - March 2018

Wait Time to See Provider: Did your child see this provider within 15 minutes of the appointment time? (percent of families answering “Yes”)


Reasons for Visit: Did you get as much information about your child’s condition and treatment as you wanted from this provider? (percent of families answering “Yes, definitely”)


Medical History: Did this provider seem to know important information about your child’s medical history? (percent of families answering “Yes, definitely”)


Provider Attention to Parent: Did this provider listen carefully to you? (percent of families answering “Yes, definitely”)


Nurse Courtesy and Respect: Did nurses treat you with courtesy and respect? (percent of families answering “Yes, definitely”)


Provider Respect: Did this provider show respect for what you had to say?  (percent of families answering “Yes, definitely”)


Family Involvement: Were you comfortable talking with this provider about problems or concerns you had about your child’s health? (percent of families answering “Yes, definitely”)


Understandable Answers to Questions: Did this provider explain things about your child’s health in a way that was easy for you to understand?  (percent of families answering “Yes, definitely”)


Time with Provider: Did this provider spend enough time with your child? (percent of families answering “Yes, definitely”)


Help After Appointment: Did you know who to call if you needed help or had more questions after you left your child’s appointment? (percent of families answering “Yes”)


Overall Rating of Provider: Using any number from 0 to 10, where 0 is the worst provider possible and 10 is the best provider possible, percent of families giving their provider an overall rating of 9 or 10.


Overall Outpatient Care Rating: Using any number from 0 to 10, where 0 is the worst care possible, and 10 is the best care possible, percent of families giving Cincinnati Children’s an overall best rating of 9 to 10.


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