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What is Litholink (Urine Testing)?

A Litholink test is an analysis of your child’s urine. The daily levels of minerals, fluid content and / or other components are given in this report. The report gives the doctor information to help determine the cause of kidney stones. The Litholink test requires a 48 hour urine collection and is the first step in forming a stone prevention plan.

Getting the test done

  • The doctor will order Litholink testing. Your child can complete the test at home.
  • Litholink will mail a urine collection kit to the home. Supplies and directions are included in the kit.
  • Litholink will tell you how to collect the child’s urine at home and how to send it back to Litholink.
  • Call Litholink at 1-800-338-4333 if you have any questions about the urine collection.

After the test

It may take two weeks for your doctor to get the test results. The doctor will create a plan for your child to help stop kidney stones from forming. The plan may include:

  • Changing the diet
  • Drinking more liquid daily
  • Starting medication


Call your child’s doctor if you have any questions about this test.

Last Updated 08/2023

Reviewed By Katie Potts, RN
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