Services & Specialties
Limb Lengthening and Reconstruction

Pediatric Limb Lengthening and Reconstruction Experts

If your child needs limb lengthening or reconstruction because of a congenital condition or injury, we can help. Children from around the world come to us for our expert surgical and non-surgical approaches to bone and joint deformities as well as to leg and arm length differences. We work with children from infancy through adolescence.

World-Renowned Care for Your Child

Whether your child needs surgical or non-surgical treatment of a bone or limb deformity, you have come to the right place. For more than 30 years, we have evaluated and treated children of all ages who have limb deformities and deficiencies, including differences in arm or leg length.

We care for children from birth through adolescence, from all over the United States and nearly 30 countries. Our doctors have established an international reputation for our expertise in limb lengthening and reconstruction. 

The Finest Specialists Work Together Here

Our team includes experts in orthopaedic surgery, physical therapy, occupational therapy, rehabilitation and prosthetics and orthotics. They work closely  to evaluate and address each child’s individual growth and functional concerns. Our goal is to help your child live as fully and actively as possible.

Our Research Results in the Most Advanced Treatments

Our doctors conduct research into new and improved ways to treat and manage bone and limb deformities. They publish and present their work nationally and internationally. We also provide training to other pediatricians, family practitioners and orthopaedic surgeons in how to evaluate and treat limb deficiencies and deformities.

World-Class Orthopaedic Research and Education

Learn more about our research efforts and fellowship opportunities.

Contact Us

Schedule an appointment or contact the Limb Lengthening and Reconstruction Center.