Health Library
Cancer Pain

How Do You Treat Cancer Pain?

Treatment for Cancer-Related Pain

There are many ways to treat cancer pain. Each patient is different, and the cancer affects each person differently. At Cincinnati Children’s, the palliative pain team will work with your child’s primary care team to create a unique, individualized approach.

Making Your Child Comfortable

  • Be an advocate for your child. You understand and know your child best. Help the doctors and nurses interpret what your child is feeling, so they can help your child feel less afraid and more comfortable.
  • Offer distraction to your child as a method of pain control. Playing with your child or engaging them in an activity helps distract them from their pain.
  • Talk with your children and encourage them to ask questions. Be open and honest with your child about what is happening. Open communication will build a trusting relationship between you and your child.
  • Medication can be prescribed to help your child with pain. It is important to administer pain medication as ordered.

Last Updated 07/2018