Microbial Genomics and Metagenomics Laboratory
Techniques and Services

Sequencing and Analysis Techniques and Services


The MGML offers microbiome sequencing and analysis including:

Metagenomic Sequencing

  • DNA and RNA extraction
  • Shotgun DNA sequencing
  • RNA sequencing, including host and microbial RNA
  • 165 rRNA amplicon sequencing

Bioinformatic Analysis to determine:

  • Taxonomic composition and differential microbial abundance
  • Metabolic functional gene assignment and differential abundance
  • RNA sequence with assignment to microbial and human gene databases for differential transcript abundance

Microbial Genome Sequencing and Analysis

  • Comparison of genome similarity (molecular epidemiology)
  • Virulence gene and antibiotic resistance gene detection and analysis 


The MGML offers use of several sequencing and analysis kits: