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Cincinnati Children’s Center for Spiritual and Grief Care has provided emotional and spiritual support to the hospital community since its inception in 1883 and has ensured that people of all spiritual beliefs and religions feel welcome, safe, valued and respected. The Chapel of the Holy Child has stood at the center of providing that support since 1904.

The Multifaith Chapel in Location A provides space for quiet reflection and meditation. Chaplains work as part of the pediatric healthcare team and are available 24 hours a day to patients, families and employees. Cincinnati Children's has provided clinical pastoral education training since 1988 and in 2005 created a dedicated bereavement coordinator position to improve our approach to the end-of-life process.

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During a renovation of the 1926 Cincinnati Children's Hospital building, a Rookwood tile backsplash, that was part of a decorative water fountain, was uncovered. It was then restored and preserved to feature its three swans standing in a pond with cattails. A gift of the Junior Co-operative Society, it was installed sometime between 1928 and 1929 on the first floor of the hospital.

Photo of Mrs. Henry (Julia Amanda) Probasco.

Cincinnati Children’s was led by women, such as Mrs. Henry (Julia Amanda) Probasco, president from 1894 to 1904, from its inception until 1921.

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In acknowledgment of their lack of training in a field growing ever more scientific, the Board of Lady Managers of the Episcopal Diocese of Southern Ohio relinquish their shared governing role to the hospital’s Board of Trustees.

William Cooper Procter

In 1921 the Episcopal Church passed the reins to the Board of Trustees, which was presided over by William Cooper Procter, former president of Procter & Gamble, progressive, philanthropist and pioneer of labor relations.

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The institution’s name is changed to “Children’s Hospital.” Even a century back, the merger of compassion and innovation at the heart of Cincinnati Children’s is clear.