A photo of Alexandra Linder.

Alexandra N. Linder, MD

  • Clinical Fellow, Heart Institute
I want families to feel comfortable discussing all aspects of their loved one's care with me. If I can't answer all their questions, they should know I will help them find the necessary resources.
Alexandra N. Linder, MD



My clinical specialty is pediatric cardiology imaging, with a particular interest in fetal cardiology. Although my focus is the care of patients with congenital heart disease, I want families to feel comfortable discussing all aspects of their loved one's care with me. If I can't answer all their questions, they should know I will help them find the necessary resources.

I was inspired to join pediatric cardiology when I first encountered it during medical school. I was amazed by the thoughtfulness of the cardiologists I worked with and the opportunity to think through complex physiologic problems. As I learned more about the field, I was also excited about the continuity of care possible in this field — following patients from fetuses to young adults.

Patients and families are the drivers of their stories. Our care should be focused on them. Listening to them tells us so much about their experiences and informs us how to best care for them.

I’ve been involved in several research projects studying patients with congenital heart disease and those with pulmonary hypertension. I am interested in helping these patients by examining factors that affect their care and identifying areas where we can improve outcomes.

When I’m not working, I love cooking and exploring new restaurants — I’m excited about the Cincinnati food scene. I also enjoy music and Broadway shows and look forward to seeing as many as possible!

MD: Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans, LA, 2017.

Residency: Pediatrics, New York Presbyterian - Columbia University, New York, NY.

Fellowship: Pediatric Cardiology, New York Presbyterian - Columbia University, New York, NY.


Pediatric cardiology; advanced non-invasive imaging fellow

Services and Specialties

Heart, Heart Institute