What is a Leuprolide Stimulation Test?
A leuprolide stimulation test is done to find out whether a child is in puberty.
The test may be done if your child has entered puberty too soon or has not entered puberty as expected.
How the Test Works
Your child will have an IV catheter placed in the arm. We will give him or her an injection of medicine called leuprolide acetate (lu-pro-lide as-i-teyt) just under the skin.
Blood is drawn at different times (usually one to three times) through the IV catheter to measure hormone levels.
Getting the IV and the medicine may hurt a bit but they are done quickly.
Before the Test
There is no special diet for this test.
Have your child wear a short-sleeved shirt to the test.
Discussing the test ahead of time with your child is helpful.
During the Test
The test is done in the Endocrinology Outpatient Clinic. When you arrive to clinic, we measure your child’s height and weight.
Your child will then go into a patient room where the IV catheter is placed. This is used to draw the blood samples. We will give the medicine as a subcutaneous injection (just under the skin).
The test takes one to two hours. The child is awake throughout the test. Parents can stay with the child during the test. At the end of the test, we remove the IV catheter.
After the Test
After the test, your child can go home. You will get the test results about two to three weeks after the test. Labs will show up in MyChart as results come in. Your child’s provider will notify you of the results.
Your child can return to normal routine and activities after the test. There are no side effects from the medicine.
If you have any medical concerns about your child or if you have not received the results within three weeks, call 513-636-4744.