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Leuprolide Acetate (Lupron Depot)

What Medications Suppress Puberty?

Lupron Depot, Triptodur, and Supprelin are medications used to suppress puberty.

These medications stop the hormones that cause the body to mature. Some of the puberty changes that have happened will slow down or stay the same after the medicine is started.

In girls, the breast tissue will soften and stop growing, periods will stop, mood swings might go away.

In boys, the testicles will soften and stop growing and mood swings might go away.

Hair growth, oily skin and acne may slow down or stay the same.

The decision of which medication will be prescribed will be made by you and your child's provider as a team. 

Treatment of early puberty is continued until the child reaches an age when puberty would be considered normal.

After stopping the medication, the body resumes normal hormone production. Your child will restart puberty without any effects to their future health.

Lupron and Triptoduris are given by an injection into the muscle. The nurse will help you decide if you want to give the shots at home or get them at the doctor's office.

Supprelin is an implant inserted by a specially trained doctor into the upper arm.

Special Instructions

  • It is very important that your child receive their medicine on time. Depending on which medication is used, shots will be given monthly or every six months. The implant needs to be replaced every one to two years.
  • Work with your pharmacy to make sure the medicine is delivered on time.
  • Missing a dose of medication or giving the medicine late may cause changes in puberty.
  • Do not use after the expiration date on the bottle or package.
  • Keep this medication out of the reach of children.

If Your Child Misses a Dose

For any medication information related to your child's dosing schedule and / or missed doses, contact the healthcare provider who prescribed the medication.

Possible Side Effects of Medication

Puberty suppression medication is usually well tolerated, but you should be aware of some possible side effects your child might have. Side effects are usually seen in the first month or two. These include:

  • Vaginal bleeding in girls
  • Hot flashes
  • Mood swings
  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Weight gain (rare)

Call Your Child's Doctor If:

  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Burning or itching at the injection site or implant site

If at any time you are concerned of advancing puberty, call your provider. This may indicate a dose change is needed.

Additional Information

Your provider will want to see your child every four to six months after starting the medicine.

The provider may check blood tests and / or a bone age X-ray to make sure the medicine has stopped the hormones.

These medications can be very costly. Your health insurance company will request to look at your child's medical information before agreeing to pay. This process is called prior authorization and is done before the medication is approved and treatment is started...

Last Updated 09/2022