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What is Oxycodone?


Oxycodone (OxyIR, OxyContin) is a medicine used to treat pain. It may be given as a capsule, liquid, tablet, or controlled release tablet.

It is also available as a combination product mixed with acetaminophen, the active ingredient in Tylenol. These products are available under the brand names Vicodin, Percocet, Tylox and Roxicet. They are also used to treat pain.

Special Instructions

  • Use as directed by your child's doctor.
  • This medicine can be given with or without food. Give with food if it upsets the stomach.
  • Swallow long-acting products whole. Do not crush break or chew.
  • Do not use after the expiration date on the bottle / package.
  • Do not give any other medicines, prescription or over the counter (OTC), without first talking to the doctor.
  • If your child has respiratory problems, or a history of drug or alcohol abuse, inform the doctor. Addiction and breathing problems are rare when oxycodone is used the correct way.
  • Keep this medication locked up and out of the reach of children.
  • Dispose of unused opioid medicines right away. Do not save the medicine for future use. This avoids possible misuse, abuse and intake by accident. Call your local pharmacy to see if they have a drug drop off site. If a drug drop off site is not readily available, flush the unused opioid medicine down the toilet.
  • If too much medicine is taken by accident, call the Drug and Poison Information Center (DPIC) 513-636-5111 or 1-800-222-1222, or call your child's doctor immediately.

If Your Child Misses a Dose

For any medication information related to your child's dosing schedule and/or missed doses, contact the healthcare provider who prescribed the medication.

Possible Side Effects of Medication

  • Sleepiness
  • Itching
  • Nausea

Call Your Child's Doctor If:

  • Extreme sleepiness or difficulty awakening
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Rash
  • Constipation
  • Unable to urinate
  • Allergic reaction: itching / hives, swelling in your face or hands

Additional information

  • Constipation (hard or fewer stools) can be a problem when taking oxycodone. The doctor may also want your child to take a medicine to help move your child's stools.
  • Call your child's doctor if the pain is not controlled with this medicine.

Last Updated 05/2022

Reviewed By Rachel Habib, Pharmacist