
Cincinnati Children’s Dedicates $10M to Launch Mental Health Trajectories Project

Monday, November 08, 2021

Nationally, 17.4% of children aged 2–8 years have a diagnosed mental, behavioral, or developmental disorder. That adds up to five children in every classroom of 30 students.

Childhood anxiety and depression are becoming more frequent over time. Too often, the tragic outcome of untreated and undertreated conditions is suicide.

Now, experts at Cincinnati Children’s are working with one of the world’s most powerful supercomputers to develop a tool to predict a child’s risk of serious mental illness as they grow—much like the growth and weight charts used by pediatricians worldwide.

Our new mental health “trajectories” project, announced Nov. 8, 2021, was launched with an initial $10 million funding investment by leaders at Cincinnati Children’s. The project will involve more than 25 leading scientists across nine research divisions here, as well as collaborators at the University of Cincinnati, the University of Colorado and Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

Visit our Research Horizons science blog to learn more.

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