Resources for Emergencies and Disaster Planning
It is important to have a well thought out plan ready for your child with special needs in the event you are faced with a sudden emergency or disaster. There are resources to help families and health care professionals prepare for emergencies and disasters.
- Disability and Health Emergency Preparedness
- Disaster Preparedness for Homeowners with Special Needs
- Disaster Preparedness for People who Use AAC
- Disaster Safety for People with Disabilities
- Effective Emergency Preparedness Planning: Addressing the Needs of Employees with Disabilities
- Emergency Evacuation Planning for People with Disabilities
- Emergency Information Form for Children With Special Health Care Needs
- Emergency Medical Services for Children
- Emergency Planning by Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CHFS)
- Emergency Preparedness Resources for Persons with Disabilities
- Individuals with Disabilities by
- Interagency Coordinating Council on Emergency Preparedness and Individuals with Disabilities
- Keep Utilities on with a Medical Certification Waiver
- ODPS Ohio Emergency Management Agency Functional Needs Guidance