Heart Institute
Research Studies / Clinical Trials

Research Studies: From Bench to Bedside

Research is fundamental to the mission of the Heart Institute at Cincinnati Children’s. It is the way we learn about disease origins and mechanisms, and the only way to develop new therapies that advance patient care.

The Heart Institute structure – designed to facilitate the rapid transfer of basic science breakthroughs to the patient’s bedside – underscores our commitment to fully integrate outstanding clinical care and groundbreaking research to develop new and effective treatments for children with heart disease.

The Heart Institute conducts a wide variety of research studies / clinical trials to address a broad range of cardiac problems. Many patients being cared for by the Heart Institute have the opportunity to participate in these clinical trials.

Extra Level of Reassurance

Faculty members who participate in research studies are at the cutting edge of their respective fields, highly qualified and widely respected nationally. This – combined with the stamp of approval from national funding sources underwriting such trials – provides families at Cincinnati Children’s an extra level of reassurance.

Families are often honored to participate in research studies that promise to improve the cardiac care available to children in the future. By volunteering, you and your child can further medical knowledge and potentially help other children and adults.

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