Transgender Health Clinic
Common Concerns

Common Concerns that Families Express

Experts from Cincinnati Children's discuss common concerns from families about transgender treatment.

Cincinnati Children’s Transgender Clinic is dedicated to meeting families where they are. We know that patients and their families have diverse values and beliefs.

We work with patients and their families to make sure the patient has the correct diagnosis, to educate them, and to provide them with the support and resources that they need.

Cincinnati Children’s has a protocol that was developed using national and international transgender treatment guidelines and input from other experts and our treatment team, including our ethicist. The treatment plan for each patient and their families or guardians is individualized and based on patient and family preferences and needs.

We work with patients and families to determine if patients meet the American Psychiatric Association’s criteria for gender dysphoria, which requires symptoms must be present for at least 6 months.

“Gender dysphoria” includes many factors. Gender dysphoria means someone is uncomfortable with their sex assigned at birth. We know that genetics plays a part in gender identity. We also know that there are some physical differences in transgender individuals. In research studies, transgender people have areas of the brain that are different sizes than cisgender people. “Cisgender” means that a person thinks their gender identity matches their gender at birth.

In the Transgender Clinic at Cincinnati Children’s we do a complete history and physical exam, and the child is seen by both a physician or nurse practitioner, and a social worker. We make referrals to specialists if any other concerns are found.

Documentary Video Clip: Gender Revolution: A Journey with Katie Couric

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