Education and Training
Advanced Pediatric Anesthesia in Education Fellowship

Enhance Your Pediatric Anesthesiology Expertise

The Advanced Pediatric Anesthesia in Education fellowship is a 12-month GME-approved training program designed for the pediatric anesthesiologist with a strong interest in medical education. Applicants who have completed a core fellowship in Pediatric Anesthesiology are eligible to apply. Through collaboration with the University of Cincinnati College Of Education, advanced fellows will complete coursework towards the degree of Masters of Medical Education, learning vital skills for success in academic medicine. In addition, fellows will continue clinical expertise as part-time attendings in the busy Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center operating rooms. The clinical experience also allows fellows to apply their developing educational skills through exposure to trainees such as anesthesiology residents, clinical fellows, and others.


Advanced Education Fellows will enroll in the Med.Ed. program at the University of Cincinnati. Course topics include curriculum design, adult learning theory, educational technology with special emphasis on medical simulation, qualitative research methods, and statistical analysis. The coursework culminates with a final project planned with assistance from a thesis committee of clinical and research personnel from Cincinnati Children's.

Academic Structure

Fellows will spend 70% of their time working towards the completion of their degree in education; the remaining 30% is spent in clinical activities. In addition to coursework, non-clinical time includes involvement in both the anesthesiology residency program at the University of Cincinnati and the Core Fellowship at Cincinnati Children’s as well as facilitation of clinical fellow didactic sessions and research activities in collaboration with various principal investigators.

Research Opportunities

The department of anesthesiology has many ongoing clinical and laboratory research projects. Examples include neurotoxicity of anesthetic agents, epilepsy, regional anesthesia, quality, simulation, and technical skill assessment. In addition to collaboration with existing researchers, candidates will develop their own research interests during the advanced fellowship and have appropriate support and guidance in pursuing these topics.


Director David Buck, MD,