Imaging Research Center
Philips Ingenia Elition 3.0T MRI Scanner

IRC Equipment

Philips Ingenia Elition™ 3.0T MRI scanner

The Philips Ingenia Elition TM scanner shares its control room with the 3.0T Ingenia TM. The system features an actively shielded, superconducting magnet with a 70 cm patient bore and a large 55cm FOC capability. Maximum gradient strength is 45 mT/m with a slew rate of 220 T/m/s. The RF system is outfitted with Philips’ RF coil technology that embeds receiver modules inside the bore of the magnet. The system has a full suite of imaging coils, and interfaces for home-made coils. Multi-nuclear capability is scheduled to be added to the system in the near future. Like the other Philips 3.0T scanners, the system has a dual-transmit body coil that overcomes dielectric shading artifacts. The system also has ancillary equipment to support fMRI studies including a full audio paradigm system by Avotec TM, and Nordic NeuroLab TM MR-compatible 4k display. The Ingenia Elition TM 3.0T was installed in May 2018 in the Clinical Sciences Pavilion (Location T) at Cincinnati Children’s.

Philips Ingenia Elition™ 3.0T MRI scanner.

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