Cincinnati Pediatric Research Group
Cincinnati Pediatric Research Group

How Pediatricians Can Improve Diet and Activity for Overweight Preschoolers: A Qualitative Study of Parental Attitudes

In “How Pediatricians Can Improve Diet and Activity for Overweight Preschoolers: A Qualitative Study of Parental Attitudes” researchers spoke to parents of overweight preschoolers for their perspectives regarding effective pediatrician treatment regarding their children’s weight. Parents of children between the ages of 2 and 6 and between the 85th and 95th BMI percentile were eligible to participate. In total, 23 parents participated in focus groups that discussed the following topics:

  • Terminology and health risks that motivate parents
  • Barriers that prevent doctor-recommended behaviors (increasing fruit and vegetable consumption, eliminating or decreasing sweet drink intake, and limiting screen time)
  • Recommendations for pediatricians on strategies to help parents improve child diet and activity

Discussions showed that parents preferred the use of the terms overweight and obese to colloquial terms, because they were seen as less offensive and confusing. While parents agreed that it is important for physicians to discuss the health risks of being overweight, they did not agree on which health risks should be emphasized. Some parents were hesitant to limit juice consumption in their children because they were unaware of its relationships to weight gain, and because of behavioral concerns including whining and temper tantrums. Parents were also skeptical of their ability to limit screen time during bad weather and were confused as to whether they should limit what they considered to be “educational screen time.” In general, parents recommended pediatricians intervene early if they are concerned about their child’s weight and desired that pediatricians follow up with parents to provide support for related changes.

Publication Information

Bolling C, Crosby L, Boles R, Stark L. How pediatricians can improve diet and activity for overweight preschoolers: a qualitative study of parental attitudes. Acad Pediatr. 2009 May-Jun;9(3):172-8.