Schubert Research Clinic
Equipment and Facilities

Equipment and Facilities

The Schubert Research Clinic is located on the first three floors of the Clinical Sciences Pavilion at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. This space brings together all services supporting clinical trials in one location making the process of planning and conducting trials convenient for both investigator and participant.

The clinic includes 28 exam rooms with high-acuity monitoring, procedural lighting and private bathrooms. Other facilities include a preparatory lab with equipment for processing samples, a packaging and shipping room, a metabolic kitchen, body composition laboratory with DXA and pQCT scanners, a vascular research laboratory and the Imaging Research Center. 

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Schubert Research Clinic welcome area.

The Schubert Research Clinic was designed with the comfort and convenience of our research study volunteers in mind. It features an atrium that looks out over an outdoor garden area with table seating, a waterfall and exterior sculptures.

Inside, families participating in clinical trials will start at the registration desk and waiting area on the first floor. The waiting area includes comfortable seating, video game and iPad stations, a computer for browsing current research studies, and charging units for mobile devices built into the furniture.

Above the research clinic, the second floor features artwork and digital signage, office space, and a metabolic kitchen that is designed to perform precise study meal preparation and nutrition education for research participants.

We perform body composition imaging using:

Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DXA)

DXA provides a two-dimensional measurement of: 

  • Total body bone mass
  • Lean and fat mass
  • Regional bone mass and density 

We use Hologic QDR-4500A densitometers (Hologic Inc., Bedford, MA) to perform DXA scans on both clinical and research patients.  Scans available include whole body, AP lumbar spine, lateral spine, proximal femur or hip, forearm and distal femur.

We have the latest software (Apex) from Hologic Inc. for scan analysis and an FDA-approved pediatric reference database. The software includes a new “auto low density” mode for analyses of spine, hip and whole body scans. This new analysis mode uses lowered thresholds at which the algorithms determine bone and soft tissue to account for smaller body sizes. The analysis program automatically determines which threshold to use based on the body size it detects. This allows for a more accurate and reliable assessment of pediatric bone density and body composition.

Additionally, we have high-power whole-body software to be used in people over 250 pounds.  This allows for more accurate analysis of lean and fat tissue in larger body sizes but also increases the radiation exposure by a factor of three for total body scans.

Peripheral Quantitative Computed Tomography (pQCT)

We operate a Stratec XCT 2000 pQCT (Orthometrix, White Plains, NY) that measures volumetric bone mineral density (BMD) and cross-sectional bone dimensions at peripheral skeletal sites in the radius and tibia.

The three-dimensional pQCT allows for selective measurement of:  

  • Biomechanical strain strength indices
  • Bone area
  • Cortical area and thickness
  • Cortical and trabecular bone density
  • Muscle cross-sectional area
  • Periosteal and endosteal circumference


The metabolic research kitchen.

The Bionutrition Core has a metabolic research kitchen for preparing and delivering meals for feeding studies or food challenges. Study recipes and menus are designed by a bionutritionist and can be controlled for selected nutrients, calories, or food types, depending upon the research question. Participants can be free-living and pick up pre-packaged meals to take home, or they can be fed from the kitchen during an inpatient admission. The kitchen is also designed for nutrition education including cooking classes or demonstrations for study populations. Non-research use can be arranged on a case-by-case basis.

The Bionutrition Core also owns and operates an indirect calorimeter (Vmax Encore; Sensor Medics) for measurement of resting energy expenditure.

Exam room at the clinic.

Our exam, triage and phlebotomy rooms are fully equipped for data and specimen collection, as well as safety and comfort for the study patient.  The clinic also houses areas for monitoring exercise and play activities, as well as rooms to accommodate special populations.

SRC Research Assistants process and store samples of blood, urine, stool, bile, ect. During operating hours according to protocol requirements. The processing lab equipment is available after hours to study teams with an SRC approved study who have received appropriate training by the SRC Research Assistants.

The laboratory includes a:

  • Refrigerated centrifuge and room temperature centrifuge for specimen processing.
  • Hemoglobin A1c machine
  • 20°C freezers and refrigerators for specimen storage
  • -80°C freezers for specimen storage
  • All freezers are monitored by the hospital electronic RMMS system.

The Cardiovascular Imaging Research Laboratory includes five dedicated research study rooms for cardiac and vascular ultrasound procedures, non-ultrasound vascular testing for arterial stiffness and endothelial function, and exercise testing.

The vascular core has a dedicated reading room for offline analysis using storage and measuring softwares Digisonics DigiView, Medical Imaging Applications Carotid and Brachial Analyzers, Merge VERICIS, GE EchoPac, Philips Q Lab, TomTec, and Syngo. The lab has dedicated space on the Cincinnati Children’s server for image storage.

Imaging Equipment

  • GE Vivid 7
  • GE vivid e
  • Philips IU22 

Non-Imaging Equipment

  • Hokanson Automatic Cuff Inflator
  • Pulsemetric DynaPulse Pathway CP & Hemodynamic
  • AtCor Medical Inc. SphygmoCor CPV System
  • Itamar EndoPAT 2000
  • Perimed Laser Flow Doppler
  • Hokanson Strain Gauge Phlethysmograph

The magnetic resonance imaging system in the clinic.

We operate a Philips 3 Tesla Ingenia magnetic resonance imaging system for research studies requiring the latest MR imaging and in-vivo spectroscopy techniques for the head, body and joints.  This state-of-the-art system features an actively shielded, super-conducting magnet with a 70 cm patient bore and a large 55 cm imaging field-of-view.  The RF system is outfitted with Philips’ RF coil technology that embeds receiver modules inside the bore of the magnet.  The system has a full suite of imaging coils, and interfaces for home-made coils. 

The system has a dual-transmit body coil that overcomes dielectric shading artifacts.  The system also has ancillary equipment to support fMRI studies including a full audiovisual paradigm system by Avotec, and MR-compatible EEG hardware.

The MR imaging suite includes a waiting room, two interview rooms, two changing rooms and a prep-recovery room for participants requiring sedation and/or anesthesia.

Submit Your Protocol

To use the Schubert Research Clinic's services, you'll need to submit your protocol using ePas. Learn more about the protocol submission process.