Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (BPD) Center
Patient Stories | Meet Marshall

Marshall's Story: Doing Well, Getting Bigger One Day at a Time

Video Transcript

Jenn Hayslip: “When my husband and I got married, we got pregnant pretty quick.  My water broke at 24 weeks, unexpectedly.  My water broke on a Sunday, on Thursday, Marshall was born. He was born at 24 weeks and 3 days. He was not breathing on his own, so he was immediately put on a ventilator. He was 1 pound, 15 ounces. 13.1 inches long. He’s been through a lot. Weeks went by and I understood, he’s on a ventilator. The breathing is his problem. We couldn’t lower the settings to get him off of the ventilator, like other kids were. With Marshall not getting off the vent, we knew that we needed something to help. We had to make a decision to come to Cincinnati Children’s and work with the BPD team. We felt that was necessary to come see these specialists and use the resources that were available here.” 

Dr. Paul S. Kingma, MD, PhD: “Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia, or BPD, is a very complex disease that occurs in premature infants. The babies with BPD are so complex, we have to have this complete team. We all work together, we see the babies together, we discuss them together, we come up with a plan together. The BPD Center is a very large and diverse team that is capable of addressing all of the individual problems that these babies face."

Dr. Jason C. Woods, PhD: “Cincinnati Children’s has a long history of groundbreaking research both in the lung and neonatology.  Imaging is really forefront. With our new imaging technologies we are really able to depict and quantify the different aspects of bronchopulmonary dysplasia. The MRI is actually located within the NICU suite. No other NICU in North America has a machine that’s actually been sized-down to the size of a premature infant. So that reduction in size allows us to make even higher resolution images. By the combination of that kind of precision with imaging, combined with a multidisciplinary team, it allows us to be really precise about the delivery of medicine. And that precision medicine, we think will really improve both short and long-term outcomes of these babies."

Jenn Hayslip: “You have to take it one day at a time. He’s now 7 months old and 17 pounds, so he’s huge! We trusted the BPD team. They talk to you on a level that you understand. They get to know parents, not just the baby, which is nice. It’s helpful."

Dr. Paul Kingma: “The multidisciplinary team that we’ve brought together, and the imaging techniques that are very unique, give us capabilities that are above and beyond any other institution in the world.”

(Published February 2019)