Brachial Plexus Center
Brachial Plexus | Conditions Treated

Treating Brachial Plexus Injuries

The Cincinnati Children’s Brachial Plexus Center team provides a coordinated approach to treatment of brachial plexus injuries, including those related to birth as well as traumatic injuries. In addition, our team evaluates and treats those with Thoracic Outlet Syndrome as well as Paget Schroetter Syndrome.

A unique feature of our program is that we treat these conditions not only in newborns, children and teens, but also in young adults.

Brachial Plexus Birth Injury (BPBI)

The brachial plexus is a network of nerves that provides movement and feeling to the shoulder, arm and hand. A brachial plexus birth injury is thought to be caused by an injury involving the child's brachial plexus during the delivery process. This injury may result in incomplete sensory and / or motor function of the involved arm.

Per our published research, a brachial plexus injury was found to occur in 1.5 of every 1,000 live births.

Traumatic Brachial Plexus Injury (TBPI)

Traumatic brachial plexus injuries may occur due to motor vehicle accidents, bike accidents, all-terrain vehicle (ATV) accidents, sports, etc. Nerve injuries vary in severity from a mild stretch to the nerve root tearing away from the spinal cord.

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS)

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome includes disorders impacting the nerves and / or blood vessels when compressed between the first rib, collarbone and scalene muscles. TOS may be caused by repetitive use injuries and / or anatomical reasons such as having an extra rib. Those with TOS are often elite high school and college athletes, particularly females, who are involved in repetitive overhead activities such as swimming, softball, and volleyball. Symptoms often include pain in the shoulders and neck, numbness, tingling, weakness, and / or temperature changes in the upper extremity.

Paget Schroetter Syndrome

Paget Schroetter Syndrome is a specific type of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS) that occurs when the vein is compressed between the first rib, collarbone, and scalene muscles resulting in blood clot(s) in the subclavian vein. This may be caused by excessive effort during repeated strenuous activity, most often seen in athletes. Symptoms may include pain, temperature changes, discoloration and / or swelling.