Cancer and Blood Diseases Institute
Patient and Family Wellness Center | Music Therapy

Music Therapy

Music Therapists collaborate with the healthcare team to help patients meet their goals and unique needs. Music therapy can provide a variety of benefits across a wide array of goals including pain relief, self-expression, and finding ways to cope with diagnosis and hospitalization. We incorporate patients’ interests and the music they enjoy to support young adults during hospitalization.

Music therapists may provide:

  • Live Music-Assisted Relaxation to help with pain and nausea relief
  • Therapeutic music education (such as learning to play an instrument)
  • Music listening to increase positive coping skills
  • Songwriting and improvisation to promote self-expression
  • Recording / Video projects to maintain connections with friends and family members
  • Opportunities to leave the hospital room for sessions in the music therapy room or Seacrest Studio

More Information

For more information on available services, questions, or comments, please email

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