Heart and Mind Wellbeing Center

Research That Advances the Mental Health of Heart Disease Patients

Research is a critical part of the Heart and Mind Wellbeing Center. Dr. Kasparian and her team have been conducting research in the field of heart and mental health for more than a decade. She uses her study findings to develop new treatments and support programs that best meet the needs of people with heart disease and their families.

Currently, the Heart and Mind Wellbeing Center is leading or heavily involved with more than 30 studies. All our research is in partnership with people with heart disease and their families. 

Some of the areas our research has explored include: 

  • Experiences of infants, children, adolescents and adults with heart disease
  • Moms’ and dads’ experiences of their child’s heart journey 
  • Maternal and paternal anxiety, depression and traumatic stress 
  • Parenting and parent-child bonding and attachment 
  • Siblings’ experiences 
  • Child, adult and family adjustment and resilience
  • Mental health and neurodevelopmental outcomes across the lifespan 
  • Connections between physical and mental health 
  • New treatments and care programs for infants, children, adults and families affected by heart disease