Mayerson Center for Safe and Healthy Children
Training for Professionals

Training and Education for Professionals

The Mayerson Center at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center provides training and education for professionals in a variety of topics dealing with childhood trauma including identifying, treating and preventing child abuse; understanding the impact of adverse childhood experiences and toxic stress on child development and implementing trauma-informed practices within early childhood, education and healthcare settings.

Educational services include:

Physician Training

Child Abuse Pediatrics Fellowship

The three-year fellowship prepares physicians for an academic and clinical career in the field of child abuse. Through a broad range of experiences, fellows develop proficiency in clinical care, research, teaching and administration.

Contact Kathi Makoroff for more information at

Medical Student and Resident Elective

Pediatric residents and fourth-year medical students can enroll in a Child Abuse Elective.

Contact Kathi Makoroff for more information at

Prevention Training

Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Training

Mayerson Center facilitators lead the three-hour child sexual abuse prevention training through Darkness to Light (D2L), an international nonprofit organization. The mission of D2L is to empower people to prevent child sexual abuse. Darkness to Light's Stewards of Children is a revolutionary sexual abuse prevention training program that educates adults to prevent, recognize and react responsibly to child sexual abuse, and motivates them to courageous action. The Stewards of Children program is designed for organizations and corporations that serve children and youth.

More information regarding the Stewards of Children Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Training can be found on the Darkness to Light website.

Contact Jodie Short for more information at

Trauma Informed Care Training

Trauma Informed Educators Training Series

Mayerson Center for Safe and Healthy Children and McKinsey Health Institute collaborated to develop the Trauma-Informed Educator Training Series as a free, interactive, digital training program for K-12 educators on how to be trauma-informed when interacting with students and families / caregivers. The self-guided, evidenced-informed training series has four sessions, each approximately one hour long. The training is primarily designed for K-12 educators and classroom-based staff. However, many of the insights, skills and perspectives shared in the course may be relevant to anyone who works with children or youth.

To learn more about this training series visit or email

Understanding ACEs and Trauma Informed Practices

The Mayerson Center is available to provide speakers to address a variety of topics related to adverse childhood experiences, trauma-informed care approaches, and implementing TIC practices within child serving sectors.

Contact Sarah Zawaly for more information at

Trauma Treatment Training

Parent-Child Interaction Therapy

Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) is a short-term, specialized behavior management program designed for young children experiencing behavioral and/or emotional difficulties and their families. It is one of the strongest evidence-based treatments supported by over 30 years of research and practice by PCIT providers throughout the United States and internationally.

The Mayerson Center offers an intensive seven-day training that consists of lecture, role-play and live coaching along with mandatory weekly consultation calls for approximately one year after training. PCIT participants must be a licensed mental health provider (or working under a licensed provider) with a minimum of a master's degree.

PCIT Certification Preparation Workshop

The PCIT Certification Preparation workshop is designed for anyone who has already received previous formal PCIT training and has successfully completed at least two PCIT cases to graduation. The purpose of the workshop is to allow participants to update skillsets to the latest practices for PCIT implementation including DPICS-IV coding, refresh / practice CDI and PDI coaching skills and to prepare for the PCIT Therapist Certification process. Therapists trained in PCIT before 2009 are encouraged to attend.

PCIT Level 1 Trainer

The Level 1 Trainer course is designed to prepare PCIT-International Certified Therapists to become PCIT Level 1 Trainers (L1T). This 8-hour workshop with 12 months of consultation is a required component per PCIT-International guidelines. Following this course, L1T trainers are qualified to teach and supervise therapists within the physical boundaries of their own program or agency.

Child-Adult Relationship Enhancement (CARE) Training

Child-Adult Relationship Enhancement (CARE) is a trauma-informed, field-initiated training developed by the Mayerson Center for general usage by non-clinical and clinical adults who interact with children with a history of trauma. CARE is not a therapy, but uses similar skills taught in Parent-Child Interaction Therapy and other evidence-based parenting programs. CARE utilizes the "3 P skills" (Praise, Paraphrase and Point-Out Behavior) to connect with children, a set of techniques for giving children effective positive commands to increase compliance, and selective ignoring techniques to redirect problematic behaviors.

CARE Facilitator Training

The CARE Facilitator Training course is designed to prepare those who want to provide CARE workshops in various settings. This workshop with quarterly phone consultation is a required component to receive CARE training materials. Following this course, CARE facilitators are qualified to provide CARE training in any setting they deem useful.

For more information about any of our Trauma Treatment Trainings, please contact Debbie Sharp,

Contact Us

Professional consultations regarding questions of child abuse are available. Services can be provided to physicians, attorneys, law enforcement and human services.  We can provide case or record review, second-opinion services and expert testimony.

Call 513-636-0037 to set up an appointment with Robert Allan Shapiro, MD.

Contact Us