Neurodevelopmental and Educational Clinic
What to Expect

What to Expect

Children with heart issues may have different types of developmental challenges. This unique clinic will help identify and address your child’s specific needs, to help them reach their full potential.

Children who are born with a congenital heart disease (CHD) or acquire a heart condition are the primary focus of the Neurodevelopmental & Educational Clinic (NDEC). Because these children are often at risk for developmental delays, the NDEC was designed to address the unique brain-based challenges that can result from corrective cardiac procedures, surgeries and associated lengthy hospital stays.

What to Expect at Your Appointment

Making an Appointment at the Neurodevelopmental & Educational Clinic

You can contact us directly to schedule an appointment.

Preparing for Your Appointment

Contact your insurance company to learn about coverage before your visit. You will see several providers, so you may have several co-pays.

You will receive a request for intake information by mail or email. Parents and teachers (if applicable and age-appropriate) should complete the forms. Your child’s care team may request information including:

  • Questionnaires
  • Handwriting samples
  • Report cards
  • Individualized Education Program (IEP)
  • Evaluation Team Report (ETR)
  • 504 plans

Your child’s care team may also request school consent for sharing information with the education specialist. Information can be returned via USPS, scanned, emailed or faxed.

We encourage parents to prepare questions before the visit so that concerns are prioritized.

Arriving at Your Appointment

Your initial visit will be at the Burnet Campus on Burnet Avenue, building “C” in the Heart Institute, Cardiology Clinic on the 4th floor. Please make sure to allow 30 minutes before the appointment to locate parking, check in with desk staff or the kiosk, and meet with registration staff for demographic and insurance updates. You may be given an electronic tablet for other needed questionnaires.

During Your Appointment

Please be prepared to spend two to three hours at the clinic for your first visit. You and your child will meet with several experts involved in your child’s care coordination. Feel free to bring snacks, drinks, toys or books to make your child more comfortable while you are here.

During your visit, experts from across specialties will screen and assess your child. Depending upon specific needs that are being addressed, these specialists may include:

  • Pediatric psychologist
  • Developmental behavioral pediatrician
  • Nutritionist
  • Occupational therapist
  • Physical therapist
  • Pediatric cardiologist
  • Education specialist
  • Registered nurse
  • Social worker

Referrals for after-visit assessments or testing may be recommended.

Your child’s care team will collaborate to create a care plan based on information gathered during this first visit. They will detail next steps in an after-visit summary. We will share this summary with you at discharge.

Findings from the assessment are electronically routed to your child’s primary care provider and referring cardiologist. Upon signed consent, the education specialist may interact with your child’s teacher to update education plans, advocate for needed services or educate school staff on heart-related effects that impact learning.

After Your Visit to the Neurodevelopmental & Educational Clinic

Our scheduling team will coordinate future recommended testing and follow-up appointments. Parents may also need to call for specific appointments. Contact information is referenced in the after-visit summary.

Many services suggested by your NDEC team, such as occupational therapy or physical therapy, can be provided by one of our Cincinnati Children’s outpatient satellite clinics.

As your child grows and develops, your NDEC team will continually monitor their progress and offer age-appropriate support, screening, reevaluation and assistance with recommended treatments.