Newborn Intensive Care Unit
About Us

About Us

The Best Care Available For Your Baby

For your delicate newborn who has critical medical needs, you can’t find a better place for care. We will do everything we can to give your baby exceptional care and to support you during your baby’s time with us. Our unit is rated Level IV, the top designation for a NICU. It means that we meet the most exacting standards to provide your baby with the most advanced care available.   

Experienced Care Team

Our NICU is staffed by nationally recognized experts in neonatology (newborn care) as well as by pediatric specialists in a variety of disciplines and a highly trained and experienced nursing team. We care for more than 700 infants each year.

We are part of Cincinnati Children’s internationally recognized Perinatal Institute

We Work in Partnership with You

Parents are welcome at all times and encouraged to be with their babies as much as possible in our NICU. We practice Cincinnati Children’s philosophy of family-centered care, keeping you informed of and involved in decisions about your baby’s care to the greatest extent possible. Even for the most fragile babies, nothing replaces the touch and presence of a parent.

Our staff is trained to encourage the optimal growth and development of each baby, encouraging and supporting family involvement throughout your child’s care.

Learning from Parents

Families who have had babies in our care provided us with suggestions about how to improve our NICU. We are in the process of remodeling to better meet the needs of our families and to make your stay with us as pleasant as possible.  See our improvements.

Have Questions?

Newborn Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Cincinnati Children's.
The NICU staff provides answers to the most frequently asked questions. Get Answers