Pediatric Voice Disorders
Voice Therapy

Voice Therapy

After our team conducts a thorough evaluation and voice assessment of your child, we will discuss treatment options, such as voice therapy, with you and your child. If you are not from the Cincinnati area, we will work with you to locate a speech-language pathologist with knowledge of voice treatment in your area.

Locally, voice therapy is offered on the Burnet Campus of Cincinnati Children’s, as well as at many of our neighborhood locations. Voice therapy generally focuses on exercises for your child’s voice and techniques that improve the quality of the voice.

How Often Will My Child Require Voice Therapy?

The frequency of therapy sessions may vary, but typically your child will start with a one-hour weekly appointment. The frequency of these voice therapy sessions will decrease as your child becomes compliant with the recommended therapy plan and achieves the set goals.

Will Insurance Cover Voice Therapy Visits?

Some insurance plans do provide coverage for voice therapy services. Should we recommend voice therapy for your child, you will want to contact your insurance provider.

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