Services & Specialties
Pediatric Voice Disorders

Multidisciplinary Care for Larynx & Voice Disorders

The Center for Pediatric Voice Disorders at Cincinnati Children’s is a world-class source for diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the larynx (voice box). Our team of otolaryngologists, speech-language pathologists and nurses work closely with you, your child and your family to develop individualized care for your child.

Thorough Evaluation Leads to Comprehensive Treatment

We are one of the few pediatric centers in the nation treating voice issues. After our team thoroughly evaluates your child’s condition, we will discuss treatment options with you and your child and develop a personalized treatment plan. We also work closely with your child’s primary care physician and specialists in your hometown, ensuring that you receive support throughout the treatment process.

Your Child’s Voice Evaluation

At the beginning of your child’s visit, our team will ask questions regarding your child’s medical history. We will be interested to know several things:

  • How long your child has had a problem with his voice
  • How problems with the voice affect your child in social and school situations
  • If your child has had any previous speech or voice therapy

To assist in preparing your child for the Voice Clinic evaluation, please download this coloring book.

Acoustic Assessment

The speech-language pathologist will record and analyze your child’s voice. We will measure how frequently the vocal cords vibrate during speech and how much your child can vary the pitch and loudness of his voice.

Aerodynamic Assessment

Aerodynamic assessment measures airflow through the vocal cords and air pressure. To make these measurements, your child will wear a mask that will cover his mouth and nose. Our specialists will ask your child to sustain vowels and repeat syllables. The mask does not provide any resistance to breathing, and most children are very comfortable with this part of the assessment.

Laryngeal Videostroboscopy

We are able to see your child’s vocal cords using a procedure called laryngoscopy. Because the vocal cords vibrate too quickly for the human eye to see, we use a strobe light to slow down the image of the vocal folds vibrating. This allows us to view problems with vocal cord vibration or lesions on the vocal cords. Your child will be able to see her vocal cords vibrating on a monitor. We save the recording from these exams for later review and comparison

Our multidisciplinary team of experts play a key role in evaluating and treating your child's voice disorder.
Our experts play a key role in evaluating and treating your child's voice disorder.

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