Surgical Weight Loss Program
What to Expect

What to Expect at Your First Appointment at the Surgical Weight Loss Program for Teens

If you have a teen who has struggled with obesity, surgical weight loss is a big step — and one that’s not right for everyone. We will want to ask you and your child many questions and perform a number of tests to determine if this would be the healthiest choice for them. Our team will work with your family to get to know you and your child and discuss what surgery would entail.

Making an Appointment at the Surgical Weight Loss Program for Teens

If you want to schedule a consultation, first your child’s primary care provider needs to complete the Bariatric Fast Track Referral form. This form details:

  • Their current height and weight
  • A history of conditions being treated
  • Diagnostic testing that has been performed
  • Their history of weight loss attempts

We also want your provider to include your child’s general medical history. Once we receive this information, we will send you a questionnaire to complete and return, along with a signed medical record release form and a copy of your health insurance card. Our clinical team will review all of these records and the questionnaire to determine if weight loss surgery may be the right choice for you. We will contact you to schedule an initial evaluation.

On the Day of Your Visit to the Surgical Weight Loss Program for Teens

Arriving At Your Appointment

You will need to arrive about 30 minutes before your child’s appointment — 15 minutes to park and walk to our clinic and 15 minutes to check in at our registration desk.

If you are running late, please contact us.

At Your Appointment

During this first visit, our care team will perform many different tests — including lab tests, physical examinations and imaging tests — to evaluate your child’s overall health and determine the effect obesity has had on their quality of life. We complete our patient evaluations in one day; the appointment can take anywhere from two to four hours. Several days later, our care team will contact you to share our findings. Your family and our medical providers will decide together whether we should proceed with surgical weight loss.

After Your Visit to the Surgical Weight Loss Program for Teens

You will receive an “After Visit Summary” at the end of your appointment, which includes important information about upcoming appointments and test results. It will also include contact information for your child’s care team.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Surgical Weight Loss Program for Teens at Cincinnati Children’s provides answers to frequently asked questions on weight loss and gastric bypass surgery.