Previous research has identified the need for continued examination of self-management education interventions, particularly in children and adolescents, for the purpose of improving health care outcomes. The primary purpose of the study is to gain insights into everyday experiences of caring for asthma at home and receiving health care in the adolescent population. This informed quantitative questionnaire development that identified segments of a population and targeted interventions more effectively. While publication of the findings is a possibility, the primary purpose of this research study is to improve care and outcomes of teens with asthma at Cincinnati Children's.
- Phase I: Teen patients were recruited through the Teen Health Center. Teens were provided with a camera for them to create a photo diary of their life. This was to assist in gaining an understanding of their life in relation to their asthma diagnosis.
- Phase II: A quantitative questionnaire focusing on asthma care preferences and beliefs was developed based on concepts identified in Phase 1. This was a self-administered survey given to teen patients with asthma. The questionnaire’s aim was to segment the population so that effective interventions could then be developed for each segment in an effort to improve the care and outcomes of adolescents with asthma at Cincinnati Children's.
Currently, ongoing efforts are made regarding the process and use of the TAAQ and data obtained. Brainstorming sessions are held to find innovative improvement methods. These include:
- Testing the delivery method of TAAQ – having survey administered by various staff.
- Revision of the visual ‘look’ of the survey to make it more appealing to teens.
- Stages of delivery and usage – How best to motivate teen at their individual stage in the process.
- Marketing – Discussion around how and when to market.
- Language used in survey – Make it more teen-friendly.
- Incorporating into existing processes and systems (i.e., visits, Epic system).
- Creation of an action plan to encourage teen’s self-management of asthma control.
- Expansion beyond current cohort of asthma patients; beyond the Teen Health Center.
- Solutions to get around barriers to their asthma care.
- Assist in gauging patient’s stage of readiness and helping them move forward.
- Breaking through our unwritten rules and assumptions about the process and use of the TAAQ.
- Other innovative ways to expand and use information gathered.