Institutes, Divisions & Centers
Endocrinology Research

Endocrinology Research

Faculty in the Division of Endocrinology are the principal investigators or co-investigators in nationally recognized, basic and clinical research projects funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), national foundations and industry.

Clinical research interests of the faculty include: growth disorders, growth with an emphasis on IGF; Turners syndrome; metabolic bone disease; the side effects of atypical anti-psychotics; beta cell function in type 2 diabetes; carbohydrate metabolism and bone disease in cystic fibrosis; endocrine disorders associated with childhood cancer survivors; Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy; disorders of sexual differentiation; toddler obesity; septo-optic dysplasia; the natural history of obesity, insulin resistance and diabetes in adolescents; the epidemiology of types of diabetes; and the natural history and mechanisms of the development of cardiovascular disease in childhood obesity and diabetes. For more information about our ongoing clinical studies please visit our clinical trials / research studies page.

Basic science research interests of the faculty include: The genetic basis of growth disorders, the development of premature cardiovascular disease in high-risk youth, the role and control of inflammation in metabolic diseases, the development of the enteroendocrine system, the development and function of the beta cell, and the development of autoimmune diabetes.

Diabetes Center

The Diabetes Center is dedicated to providing the highest level of comprehensive care to patients diagnosed with diabetes. The diabetes team seeks to advance medical treatment and diabetes prevention through patient care, education and research. Learn more about the Diabetes Center.

Statistics at a Glance

Research and Training

  • Faculty: 23
  • Joint Appointment Faculty: 3
  • Research Fellows and Post Docs: 3

Clinical Activities and Training

  • Clinical Fellows: 12
  • Inpatient Encounters: 5,221
  • Outpatient Encounters: 18,369